Sunday 2 September 2012

Working with Computer Science 3-D images

Many thanks to those who came along to the launch of our various digital online services last Thursday. Most of these you will probably know about: our website, searchable database, Culture Grid connection. But new in the past week or so has been our work with student, Lewis Hancock of Computer Sciences Department at Swansea University. As part of his undergraduate degree, Lewis has been working 3-D images of some of our objects. Visitors will be able to borrow a tablet, go into the galleries and use the tablet to access 3-D images of some of the objects. This means they will get to see the back of things like our cippus. For those who can't visit the Centre there is a version now online, which will give you an idea of what we are trying to do. We are hoping to work further with Lewis on a journey through the Egyptian afterlife, so, watch this space!