W1013 (left) is part of the Wellcome collection at Swansea University’s Egypt Centre. It came to Swansea in 1971. Unfortunately we do no not know from where Henry Wellcome obtained it. It measures 52 cm long and is carefully, though not over elaborately, painted. The style fits with what might be expected of a 26th Dynasty (c.600BC) mummy. However, the inscriptions on the front and back are meaningless. Could this suggest that this means that the artefact is a fake?
In fact, it is not unusual for sham hieroglyphs to be
placed on coffins. For example,
several of the Twenty-first Dynasty intrusive coffins (c. 900BC) found in the
Nineteenth Dynasty tomb of Iurudef at Saqqara, the Memphite necropolis, are
also inscribed with mock hieroglyphs (Martin 1992: 144-145). Petrie
(1893: 124-5) discusses sham inscriptions of 22 to 25th Dynasty on
coffins at Lahun and suggests they were due to maker not being literate. Evidently
it was important to put hieroglyphic signs upon coffins, perhaps as a magical
aid to the afterlife.
W1013 is the size of a very small child and is a case
made of cartonnage (layers of linen stiffened with plaster or glue). The
cartonnage case would have been made by forming the wet cartonnage around a
disposable core (possibly clay and straw). A hole could be cut in the back and under the
feet in order to removed the core and place the mummy therein. Once the
cartonnage was dry and stiff the piece could be covered with another thin layer
of plaster and painted. On some cartonnage cases of this date you can see where
the case was laced up. EC1064b, for example shows lacing holes.
The mummy is shown wearing a heavy, yellow and blue
striped wig and a wide collar. Striped wigs are most common on male coffins,
but are not uncommon on those of women (Taylor 1984: 51). The face is painted
reddish-brown, a colour usually associated with men in ancient Egypt. The body is decorated with a criss-cross
pattern of rhombus shapes perhaps imitating the bead net placed over some other
mummies. It has also been suggested that this pattern is reminiscent of
feathers, or even the stars of the night sky. The pattern can be seen on
several mummy related artefacts in the Egypt Centre, for example: EC232 (a
Sokar hawk); W2001 (a Ptah-Sokar-Osiris figure); Osiris himself is can be seen
wearing a rhomboid patterned garment on W1042 (a pink Roman Period coffin) and
some of our Soter-type shroud fragments of the Roman Period.
Here are the scans:
In contrast to the usual practice in the west today, it
seems that the foetus could often be treated with care in ancient Egypt. Two
coffins holding the foetuses were found in the tomb of Tutankhamun. In New
Kingdom (c.1550-1070BC) Deir el-Medina, a part of the Eastern cemetery seems to
have been set aside for child burials but also foetuses and even placentas in
bloody cloths (Bruyère 1937; Anthes 1943). The placenta was believed to
represent the twin of the self (Pinch 1994:130) and so was disposed of with
care too.
It is sometimes claimed that because there were so many
deaths of young children, as well as miscarriages, in the ancient world, that
the ancients became ‘hardened’ to such tragedies. However, it is clear from the
fact that foetuses and infants were buried with care, that such losses were not
treated casually. We can imagine that the probable foetus within W1013
represents someone’s terrible loss; an occasion of great grief and public
A little bit more on the mummy here.
A little bit more on the mummy here.
Adams, C.V.A. `The manufacture of ancient
Egyptian cartonnage cases', Smithsonian
Journal of History, vol. 1, no. 3 (Autumn 1966), 55-66.
Anthes, R. 1943. Die Deutschen Grabungen auf der
Westseite von Theben in den Jahren 1911-1913. Mitteilungen des Deutschen Instituts für Ägyptiwschen Altertumskunde in
Kairo 12 (1): 1-72.
Bruyère, B. 1937. Rapport
sur les Fouilles de Deir el Médineh (1934-1935), Deuxième Partie FIFAO 15.
Cairo: Imprimerie de l’Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale.
Martin, G.T. The
Hidden Tombs of Memphis: New Discoveries from the Time of Tutankhamun and
Ramesses the Great. London: Thames and Hudson.
Petrie, W.M.F. 1893, Ten
Years Digging in Egypt 1881-1893. London: The Religious Tract Society.
Pinch, G. 1994. Magic
in Ancient Egypt. London: British Museum Trust.
Taylor, J. 1984 ‘A Priestly Family of the 25th
Dynasty’, Chronique de Égypte, 59:
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