So Easter is coming up and the Egypt Centre is preparing.
The festival of Easter originally derives from earlier pagan festivals
associated with spring and rebirth, which is what we are going to celebrate in
the Centre. So coming up we have children’s workshops ‘The Magic of Mummies’
from 7th-10th April. If
you are looking for a non-fattening Easter treat you could do worse than to
purchase from our shop. Our shop has loads of things to do with rebirth and
Egypt, such as jewellery decorated with flowers and also scarabs.
So what has this got to do with onions? Well the link is the
modern Egyptian festival of Sham el-Nessim (literally smelling the breeze)
which falls on the day after the Coptic Christian Easter and is celebrated by
both Muslims and Christians. The day may possibly date back to an ancient
Egyptian festival!
It is said that the festival takes its name from the
Egyptian harvest season, called Shemu. Over time the ancient name Shemu morphed
into the Arabized Sham el-Nessim. In the modern festival traditional food is
eaten such as feseek (a salted grey mullet), lettuce, onions, lupin beans and
coloured boiled eggs.
A custom termed 'Shemm en-Nessem' (or
the Smelling of the Zephyr) is observed on the first day of the Khamaseen.
Early in the morning of this day, many persons, especially women, break an
onion, and smell it; and in the course of the forenoon many of the citizens of
Cairo ride or walk a little way into the country, or go in boats, generally
northward, to take the air, or, as they term it, smell the air, which on that
day they believe to have a wonderfully beneficial effect. The greater number
dine in the country or on the river. This year they were treated with a violent
hot wind, accompanied by clouds of dust, instead of the neseem; but
considerable numbers, notwithstanding, went out to 'smell' it.
According to Plutarch, in the 1st century AD the
ancient Egyptians offered salted fish, lettuce and onions to their gods on this
So, do we have anything onionish in the Centre? Well nothing in the shop. But we do have a couple of things on display. Firstly, clay offering tray which shows onions.....W480 shows two long water channels, two forelegs of oxen, bread and three bundles of leeks or onions. The onions favoured by the ancient Egyptians would have been more like leeks or scallions. Onions were a staple food, so no wonder the living wanted to provide the dead with them.
But more than that, onions appear to have been associated with rebirth!
Firstly, they appear in the above scene (more about that here). Between Isis and Nephthys is an object which looks like a bag with
Secondly a bunch occurs here, in the in front of Embracing
of Horus (the far left) in the Osiris on the mound scene, and again in front of the right-hand
Heka (Heka is the god on the far right), in the same scene.
On noting these strange fringed bags, my first thought was
actually that that it was the Abydos or Abydene symbol (ta-wer symbol). The ‘Abydene’ or ‘Abydos symbol’ which had the
shape of a bee-hive was considered from the 19th Dynasty to be the
reliquary of the head of Osiris. It is usually shown on a pole and is said to
represent a wig, suggesting the head of Osiris. As one would expect, this
symbol often occurs and both mound scenes and on scenes of the enthroned
Osiris. However, the Abydene symbol does not seem to be shown without the pole.
So maybe not the Abydene symbol.
However, as was pointed out to me this is more likely to be
a bunch of onions! As Graindorge (1992) has shown, depictions beginning
in the New Kingdom show celebrations involving the offering of bunches of onion
which look very similar to this depiction (for example in TT255, the tomb ofRoy).
On 25th of Khoak,
when celebration concerned the triumph of Osiris, relatives of the deceased
offered onions associated with Sokar (onions are also used in the opening of the
mouth ceremony). Onions grow both under soil and above it and thus mirror the
solar-Osirian theology which is a common theme on this coffin. Sokar is himself
associated with Osiris. They also drive away snakes and are thus protective.
So there you have it, maybe we should sell onions in our shop for Easter.
Graindorge, C. 1992. Les Oignons de Sokar, Revue d'Égyptologie
43, 87-105.